Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Paddy's Day! Spring Fever for Real Estate

by Rod Sager (modified version of post from 3/14/2014 on his blog)

That venerable March holiday that brings out the Irish in all us is just around the Corner. This is a time to start thinking about the Spring real estate bump. St. Patrick's Day is not just a green beer holiday party. it signals the early tingles of Spring. The Vernal Equinox is just a few days after the Celtic Celebration The temperature begins to warm, the rains turn to showers, and the sun decides to hang out for more than a peek-a-boo moment. People start thinking about going outside. Driving the old hot rod or walking in the park. And they start looking at homes.

Here in the Pacific Northwest; the early portion of spring can be a fickle time for weather. It is an ideal time to start your real estate adventure. Listing a home in March can be quite successful as discussed in this post from two weeks ago. For buyer getting the process started early is also a good idea. As the month ends and April begins a surge of new listings will appear on the Market. The buyers that started early have the upper hand over those that dive in late. Either they secured their dream home before the "rush" or they eliminated homes, styles, features and neighborhoods they don't like and can concentrate on what they want and like. These buyers can pull the trigger when the spot the right house.

There is more to Real Estate Spring Fever than just the weather. Spring Fever catches all of us. The home and garden shows start up, the Farmer's Market and a whole slew of spring activities that get people thinking about their own home and perhaps new homes they would like to have. This is a great time to start looking at house to buy and or list a home for sale.

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